Jaap Hanekamp

Jaap Hanekamp

A guy in his fifties, married, children. Learning about film, chemistry, precaution, World War One, politics, teaching, risk, toxicology, and loving theology and philosophy. After a Californian post-doc, the doc-part being chemistry received at the Utrecht University in 1992, returning to the Low Countries. Between 1995 and 1996 writing some 200 letters of application to a wide variety of chemical companies and not one job landed. But me and my love had experienced California and returned with a son, who is now the brother of two younger siblings. With my wife founded a home with ‘teenage strangers’ in need of a bit of help, and gained friends for life. Discovered that ‘scare stories’, of the epistemological and especially the ontological kind, have a huge appeal to me. ‘But is this true’ is the slogan I learn to live by. Studying, analysing, reflecting, critiquing became second nature. So much so that I made the terrifying mistake of writing a second PhD dissertation in philosophy and theology, which I defended on the 11th of February 2015. Since 2007 teaching at a Dutch University College -UCR- ánd doing research on my own terms with my own research company and as an adjunct professor at UMass in Amherst in the US state of Massachusetts. Just picked up writing of a different kind (jaaphanekamp.com).